Physical therapy has significantly evolved over the years
A structural vision of the patient and their lesions has eventually led to a rather broad concept that more and more is looking at the whole body to resolve very concrete pathologies linked to a very specific area.
The way of understanding and exploring the body itself is what has progressed the most.
Exploration has always been the key to success when it comes to therapy. However, until recently it was based in an analytical and not global model.
The human body does not either move in separate parts or like a robot.
Anytime we exercise, work or perform any activity, the whole body comes into play. Therefore, since every single movement involves the whole body, even if it is not always clearly visible, we should not restrict our exploration to the affected area.
On the contrary, we need to understand the body as a whole, and this will be clearly seen when going into the fascial system, ultimately governing the complete body and all its constituent parts.
No matter what kind of physical therapy we practice. Every single therapy involves the fascial system, and so every therapist should have a profound knowledge of its related structure, function, lesion, exploration, treatment, and maintenance.
The aim behind this book is to bring awareness and share with the manual therapists the importance of an exhaustive examination oriented towards the analysis of disorders, impairments and asymmetries related to the myofascial system.
To deeply understand the principles of action to apply to the fascial system and how to make therapy sessions more effective by using specialized tools.
Change is hard to accept. However, as we move forward in this book and start looking at the added benefits of TMI over the traditional manual therapy, we will be able to see from a clear perspective our main diagnosis and treatment failures, and why they did not go as expected despite having followed the right steps based on our previous learnings.
Fascia has been a complete unknown till the turn of the twentieth-century, which possibly marked the start of the fascial age in physiotherapy.
Findings in connection with fascia have been developing at a dizzying rate over the recent years. It is very difficult to cope with the vast amount of new data, and therefore international events such as the Fascia Research Congress are the key to staying up to date.
The contents of this book intend to remain fully updated through our own investigations as well as by the contributions of other authors.
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